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时间:2010-03-09 16:24 来源:www.lunwen163.com 作者:163论文网 点击:

论文关键词:新闻翻译  交际翻译  语义翻译  文本类型  翻译标准



  Translation is a science as well as a skill, and each kind of skill needs theory as a guide. A successful translation is not necessary a direct result of painstaking efforts in exploring translation principles, but it should correspond to the laws of translation. Translation theory provides guidance for the practice.

  1.1 Communication Translation and Semantic Translation Defined

  Peter Newmark made an important contribution to the study of translation theory. His major contribution is the dichotomy of communicative translation and semantic translation, which have already been recognized as his most influential achievement in translation studies.

  Newmark’s communicative translation and semantic translation are believed to be more practical than idealized discussions on translation method: “I have proposed only two methods of translation that are appropriate to any text: (a) Communicative translation, where the translator attempts to produce the same effect on the TL readers as was produced by the original on the SL readers, and (b) Semantic translation, where the translator attempts, within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the TL, to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the author” (Newmark, 2004: 39). From these words, communicative translation and semantic translation can be roughly distinguished.

  As this definition indicates, communicative translation focuses essentially upon the comprehension and response of TL receptors while semantic translation centers around the semantic content of the SL texts. To be more specific, “in communicative translation, the emphasis should be on conveying the message of the original in a form, which conforms to the linguistic, cultural and pragmatic conventions of TL. Both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership. Semantic translation consequently tends to strive to reproduce the form of the original as closely as TL norms will allow” (Shuttleworth and Cowie, 2004: 22).

  Newmark’s communicative translation and semantic translation are the result of years of experiences undertaking the translation from English to French and from English to German. The new methods have a great bearing on translation studies, expanding translators’ horizon and offering brand new perspectives to viewing the matter of translation strategies.

  1.2 Comparison between CT and ST

  To lend readers more concrete understanding of relevant knowledge about communicative translation and semantic translation, this part will conduct their mutual comparisons.

  1.2.1 The Differences between CT and ST

  These two kinds of translation have obvious difference, according to Peter Newmark, the methods of communicative translation and semantic translation vary from each other in terms of the following aspects:

  (1) Communicative translation addresses itself solely to the second reader, who does not anticipate difficulties or obscurities, and would expect a generous transfer of foreign elements into his own culture as well as his langua