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时间:2009-07-22 10:40 来源:www.lunwen163.com 作者:163论文网 点击:



   Legality modernization is the content of socialistic modernization,it is a process of transformation from conventional legal system to modern rule of law. Realizing the legality modernization of China is an arduous historical task. The legality modernization of China is confronted with the tremendous challenges as well as hard-won opportunities. Strengthen the construction of legality modernization continuously and establish the modern socialistic legal system in order to promote the full development of the socialistic nation.its full interpretation of the concepts such as modernization, legalsystem and legality modernization. Chinese legal modernization have appears distinctive character:for example from receive passive to active choose; use for reference western legal modernization advanced experiences to build socialism law system of Chinese characteristic;law modernization start-up mode is legislation dominant mode;Afore law system reform and law ideal update behind, ideal fields struggle sharply etc. we  learn the modernization of law system acquires some achievement, it still have limitations, especially suffer unfavorable influence, so we should accept these lessons and absorb experiences in the following periods of the legal construction, we must go ourselves rule by law modernization roads of Chinese characteristic. the disquisition makes an exploration into the strategy to build the socialistic nation ruled by law and then provides some policy advices at the level of practice.

   Key words:modernization of legal system;modernization;modern rule of law



   现代化是指,在科学技术革命的冲击下,各个社会业已进行或正在进行的转变过程。在英语中,现代化,即modernization的原意是to make modern,即“使之成为现代的”。现代,即modern一词,在西方有两层意思:一层含义是指特定的时间,即从大约公元1500年至今的历史时期。这是源于modern一词的一个含义of the present or recent times,即现代的、近代的;一层含义是源于modern一词的另一种词义new, up-to-date及new fashioned,即时新的,时髦的,指区别于中世纪的新时代的精神与特征。Modern一词是欧洲文艺复兴时期人文主义者的著作中最先使用的。当时,这个词表达一个新的观念体系,即与以神学权威为基础的中世纪相对立的新时代。因此,现代化一词就具有了新的含义。现在,关于现代化的涵义,大体说来有四种:第一种是指在近代资本主义兴起后形成的特定国际关系格局中,经济落后国家在经济与技术方面赶上世界先进水平的历史过程;第二种是指经济落后国家实现工业化的过程。这种观点认为现代化实质就是工业化,就是人类社会从传统的农业社会向现代工业社会转变的历史过程;第三种观点将现代化界定为自科学革命以来人类社会急剧变动的过程的总称;第四种观点强调,现代化主要是一种心理态度、价值观和生活方式的改变过程,即现代化可以看作是代表我们这个历史时代的一种“文明的形式”。
